Welcome Picnic/ ウェルカムピクニック
On October 12, a “Welcome Picnic” for international students was held at the lawn square in front of the Hokumei dormitory, organized mainly by voluntary students. Blessed with fine weather, some of the students were enjoying their talks with parasols in their hands.
Forty-two students, including Japanese, participated in the event and deepened exchanges over snacks and sweets.
10月12日,有志の学生が中心となって,留学生歓迎会”Welcome Picnic”を北溟宿舎前広場にて開催してくれました。お天気にも恵まれ,中には日傘をさしながら,トークに花を咲かせる学生たちがちらほらいました。日本人を含む42名の学生が参加し,お菓子をつまみながら交流を深めました。